The pelisse is nearly there. As expected all my time has gone into work and yarn-bombing preparation. The thought of doing intensive stitching has put me to sleep more than once this week, and when that didn't work, reading editions of "La Belle Assemblee" for fashion tips from the early 1800s did the trick nicely.
The couple of hours I've spent on it this afternoon have been great. Sat by the window, flower garden buzzing with bees, birdsong, ignoring a week's worth of housework, weeding and lawn mowing..... wonderful.
The lining is in but one or two snags, not quite lying right, so will have to clip the seams closer and maybe adjust a little- not massive problems. Did a little decoration to the cuffs to finish the sleeve off. And the collar! This is first go, it seems fine - this I am not used to at all. A bit more clipping at the back seam allowance, then top stitching, and it will do.
So the current task list -
adjust lining.
top stitch collar and cuffs.
couching for belt - option 2 is flat ribbon.
construct and attach belt
hem - coat and lining.
remove stay stitching on sleeveheads
hook and eye fastenings to front
wash. Press.
To be honest it doesn't look any shorter than last week. More than a snowball's chance to finish before next blog?
Doubt it.
Never mind, it is not as if either of us is going anywhere.
Light relief. I shall set myself the task of another portrait wearing this pelisse now the shapes are sorted out.
Also found this as a close-ish match to the Museum of London original- from the Met Museum- same basic silhouette, emphasis in the same places even if the details differ. Am still hunting for a fashion plate match- it would be fun to see how it was meant to look.