done! It has taken longer than I intended, but comparing it to the original and my initial drawings it isn't so far off.
Even the portrait has gone as far as I want to take it at the moment. On this I still like the feet the best. I gave the face too much of a tan so it has lost the translucence I was after but the coat seems fairly convincing.
So, was it successful?
Generally yes. It is a
high waisted coat with vandyke details and couched decoration.
Problem areas still bug me – the lining methods don't feel right –
the shapes could be more exaggerated- the waist tighter, sleeves
narrower. These are nagging issues rather than hide in dark cupboard
and cry crises, but they do nag. And I haven't done the bow on the back - have it made but it is hiding with my best scissors. Search parties are being organised but the house is in a state at present, ready for a major chuck and sort. It will be found at some point.
The mini version doesn't quite hang right, the fabric is just a little stiff at this scale so there are awkward corners and not so much gathering at the centre back - is it better to be true to the fabric types or the look?
The making quality is improving and
the decoration is better than expected. The learning curve is still
being climbed. Research is fun and is stretching me to use the
internet more rigorously. The responses and encouragement received
still surprises me, thank you for that.
Biggest bug is the time taken – so many other
things became important. It is time to move these tasks closer to the
centre stage and put other things aside to make way for them. I need to be making my own deadlines and not accept excuses.
This is the end of the "miniature 1823 pelisse to scale in inbetweeny-pinky-browny-slightly-purpley-maybe-with-a- hint-of-grey-kind-of-dusky-pink and dotty, with vile berry lining and tinkerbell pointy bits."
All thanks to images from the Museum of London!
Scissor status update - 2 on dining table, buried under stuff from work needing rehoming
- 1 in work bag with crochet gear
- 1 - somewhere on sofa ( might get sat on)
No real change then.
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