
Thursday, 6 June 2013

pink and dotty

Recut the spencer front and pulled the back  to make a false seam just to check the fit - it is better but I won't declare success until the sleeve is fitted. Obviously  I haven't managed to magically shrink to fit this or the dinky pelisse. My faith in pasta is destroyed. Has anyone come up with a cake diet yet?

  • Unfortunately no photo as the camera has just hit the floor and didn't bounce that well.
The dinky pelisse.
Still don't believe that fabric is mine, but it sews up so nicely.   Whoever it belonged to, it is mine now!
 I emailed the Museum of London about the insides and lining of the original but they weren't able to give too much more information at the moment -it is on display  " From memory, but I might be wrong, I think the pelisse was fully lined with a light, off-white silk. I also think that there were no exposed seams. I’ve just checked the conservation records which definitely mention skirt and underarm lining, and the dying of habotai silk to make patches (not the technical term!)." 

 ( love this place, so accessible, and friendly! They emailed back so promptly and have taken alot of  trouble for someone making a dinky dotty pink version for fun! and to think on some museum sites all I found was the opening times and admission fee.... what a difference in attitude. )
 While this was happening I've added a skirt and put in the other sleeve so at least it looks like a garment now. Lack of brain think and I forgot to keep pattern pieces for the skirt - measured them out on the dotty and then sewed up.

Now I will have to do all that again for the lining! Paper copies I will do and then keep. I will. Promise
Not yet happy with the back shoulder seams - there seems to be too much fabric there. - wrong angle? Still to decide on the/any decoration. Do quite like the thought of couching but not of trying to making micro rouleau- ribbon or embroidery threads to the rescue. Trip into haberdash required to see what is available ( dangerous I know, usually come out with all sorts- a fitted kitchen once)
Collar is to be done - will prob line with white cotton like the vandykes or with dotty if I can make it fine enough at this scale.
Hopefully I will do most making this week end but ....


Scissors are behaving well at present, the sun is still shining, things are growing happily- does anyone have a cure for marestails and goosegrass?


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