
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Pink and Dotty Progress.

 The pink and dotty progresses. Managed to find a matching embroidery thread so could get on with the decoration - not exact but in the same vein as the original. Haven't decided whether to add the second colour and extra details - may just become fussy.  The blue marks are the vanishing marker pen - they will disappear when I wash it.

Next steps - collar, facings and lining, belt, cuffs.  Did quite enjoy doing the decoration so don't if I  should get on and do the belt and cuffs first or leave them til last as a reward.
Not sure about the length of  the sleeve - found an image of a surviving coat dress the cuff  is over halfway down the dress length. I could add a cuff onto the end of the sleeve - it will need a little reshaping but is do-able. The lining I wanted to do with coloured fine cotton but will settle for white - but I will try the collar with pink and dotty top and bottom, it is quite a stiff poplin so may not enjoy the small points and sharp angles.
Still like the b/w photos the best!
 Advance warning - progress will be slow - work demands (boo)and  imminent yarn bombing....(hooray)...

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