
Saturday, 18 May 2013

It is time to commit to the next thing.....  Tinkerbell.
 I fell for this coat in a big way from the first moment I saw it. This is an 1820s pelisse from the Museum of London. All of the pointy bits reminded me of Tinkerbell's dress right from the start. ( Vandyke - I know!) Obviously a special wear coat, from a trousseau, it is so intricately decorated and frivilous without reaching overkill. The museum's photo record is excellent but I still have queries about the construction of the skirt and the shape of the collar. The collar points do seem asymmetric - very similar to the last inspiration piece from York. Guess work and trial and error required. The overall shape seems very much the same - diamond back panel, front dart, but edge to edge fastening, lower waist and of course the skirt.                                               
  Drawing from the photos has been useful in pinpointing details and making me look analytically, but I won't really know what information is missing until I try it out in 3 dimensions. 
I am doing a mini version to get an idea of the adjustments and how the garment might work - 'doing' is optimistic as it is at the looking, thinking and making a cup of tea stage - 
I am a little afraid of starting -
 what if I end up disliking it? or over familiar so that I don't 'see' it any more?

 Courage, my duck.

 So, hopefully, next post will be about a dinky rough version....

Scissor status =  found & lost again - 2   not lost and in sight - 1
 knitted squares for yarn bombing event -  1. (pink mohair so help me!)

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