Haven't been able to do much this week but made a determined effort this morning! A lining is in, collar is on and both sleeves are on. All without the power of sweets, chocolate or cake (even turned down the offer of genuine Turkish delight).
Opted for a simpler collar shape - I need a decent body form to fit onto to get the shoulder and neckline sit properly, the current one is builder's expanding foam made in the kitchen sink and trimmed down with enthusiasm rather than skill.
The silk has distorted a little but there is still the waistband to put on which should help to anchor most things. The cuff details are a mystery. On the original it looked as if a section was cut and folded down with a loop of the flat cording. I think that with my current skills this may become clumsy - something simpler at this scale may be a better bet. Also the fastening- The smallest cover buttons I have found are 11mm ( same size as the sequin) but this seems too big, the doll's buttons aren't right either. Another trawl on net and local haberdash required. Lacking inspiration or options may mean re doing the front to meet edge to edge and resort to hooks - not a bad thing in itself, certainly appropriate.
Really want to finish this now- found 2 next must-makes - a caraco from 1795/1800 or the most beautiful pelisse from Museum of London - true love is a soft subtle blue, heavily decorated and reminds me of tinkerbell. I used to have aesthetic appreciation and some taste!!
Hope to post this spencer finished next week. It has been challenging and I know there are mistakes and I have so many more questions now but enjoyable? Oh yes!
But dangerous - just discovered where the scissors went - sat on them.......
you are definately mad but awesome!!!